查看Windows XP /Vista /Win7 等版本序列号脚本
' WinKeyViewer.vbs
' Author: elffin
' Referred to Script by Mark D. MacLachlan
' Version: 0.3
' Function: Display key for Windows XP, 2003, Vista, Win7 etc.
' ChangLog:
' - ver 0.3
' Add the function of save to file
' Add ShowInfo
' Change ExitScript
' - ver 0.2
' TODO: Support Windows 98
' Add Install date
' COMMENT: You can contact me if you find problem.
' Please keep author and URL information if change the source.
Option Explicit
Dim g_strComputer, g_objRegistry, g_EchoString
g_strComputer = "."
g_EchoString = ""
private const L_MsgErrorPKey = "没有安装Windows序列号, 以下为注册表残留信息。"
private const L_MsgErrorRegPKey = "没有在注册表中找到Windows序列号."
private const L_MsgErrorRegPID = "没有在注册表中找到Windows产品ID."
Private const L_MsgProductName = "系统:"
private const L_MsgProductDesc = "系统描述: "
private const L_MsgVersion = "版本号: "
Private Const L_MsgServicePack = "补丁包:"
Private Const L_MsgBuild = "编译代号:"
private const L_MsgProductKey = "序列号: "
private const L_MsgProductId = "产品ID: "
private const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Private Const WindowsNTInfoPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion"
'If this is the local computer, set everything immediately
If g_strComputer = "." Then
Set g_objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & g_strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
End If
Call ExecCommand()
Call ShowInfo()
ExitScript 0
Private Sub ExecCommand
Dim productKeyFound
Dim strProductKey, strProductId, strProductVersion, strTmp
Dim bRegPKeyFound, bRegPIDFound ' value exists in registry
'Retrieve information from registry
bRegPKeyFound = False : bRegPIDFound = False : productKeyFound = False
g_objRegistry.GetBinaryValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WindowsNTInfoPath, "DigitalProductId", strTmp
If Not IsNull(strTmp) Then
bRegPKeyFound = True
End If
g_objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WindowsNTInfoPath, "ProductId", strTmp
If Not IsNull(strTmp) Then
strProductId = strTmp
bRegPIDFound = True
End If
LineOut ""
g_objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WindowsNTInfoPath, "ProductName", strTmp
LineOut GetResource("L_MsgProductName") & strTmp
g_objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WindowsNTInfoPath, "CSDVersion", strTmp
If Not IsNull(strTmp) Then
LineOut GetResource("L_MsgServicePack") & strTmp
End If
g_objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WindowsNTInfoPath, "CurrentVersion", strProductVersion
g_objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WindowsNTInfoPath, "CurrentBuildNumber", strTmp
strProductVersion=strProductVersion & "." & strTmp
LineOut GetResource("L_MsgVersion") & strProductVersion
g_objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WindowsNTInfoPath, "BuildLabEx", strTmp
If IsNull(strTmp) Then
g_objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WindowsNTInfoPath, "BuildLab", strTmp
End If
LineOut GetResource("L_MsgBuild") & strTmp
productKeyFound = True
LineOut ""
If productKeyFound <> True Then
LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorPKey")
End If
If bRegPKeyFound Then
LineOut GetResource("L_MsgProductKey") & strProductKey
LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorRegPKey")
End If
If bRegPIDFound Then
LineOut GetResource("L_MsgProductId") & strProductId
LineOut GetResource("L_MsgErrorRegPID")
End If
LineOut ""
LineOut "本程序用来获取查看Windows的序列号。"
LineOut "适用于绝大多数Windows系统,包括 XP/Vista/Win7 系列等。"
End Sub
Private Sub ShowInfo
Dim Ans, objFSO, outFile, strSave
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strSave = vbNewLine & "-----------------------------------------------------------" & vbNewLine & g_EchoString
strSave = strSave & vbNewLine & vbNewLine& "------ " & Now() & " " & "Windows 序列号查看器保存" & " ------" & vbNewLine
LineOut ""
LineOut ""
LineOut "是否保存以上信息到文本文件 WindowsKey.txt ?"
Ans = MsgBox(g_EchoString, 4, "Windows 序列号查看器")
g_EchoString = ""
If Ans = vbYes Then
Set outFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(".\WindowsKey.txt", 8 , True) ' append to file
outFile.WriteLine strSave
LineOut "已经保存到文件 WindowsKey.txt !"
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetKey(rpk) 'Decode the product key
Const rpkOffset=52
Dim dwAccumulator, szPossibleChars, szProductKey
dim i,j
i=28 : szPossibleChars="BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789"
Do 'Rep1
dwAccumulator=0 : j=14
rpk(j+rpkOffset)=(dwAccumulator\24) and 255
dwAccumulator=dwAccumulator Mod 24
Loop While j>=0
i=i-1 : szProductKey=mid(szPossibleChars,dwAccumulator+1,1)&szProductKey
if (((29-i) Mod 6)=0) and (i<>-1) then
i=i-1 : szProductKey="-"&szProductKey
end if
Loop While i>=0 'Goto Rep1
End Function
' Get the resource string with the given name using the built-in default.
Private Function GetResource(name)
GetResource = Eval(name)
End Function
Private Sub ExitScript(retval)
if (g_EchoString <> "") Then
MsgBox g_EchoString, 0, "Windows 序列号查看器"
End If
WScript.Quit retval
End Sub
' Functions Without Change Below
Private Sub LineOut(str)
g_EchoString = g_EchoString & str & vbNewLine
End Sub
标签: VBS查看windows序列号
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- Lightning_bear
失效了 - admin
在哪下载? - 王健宇
@红河:CMD命令里... - 红河
台式机安装了蓝牙。但... - M2nT1ger
@LiveOnLov... - LiveOnLove
可以将Tablet ... - 阿生
表示支持了 - M2nT1ger
@无:每种都学啊。 - 无
向您这么厉害,得学习... - M2nT1ger
2010-12-01 16:49